I-15 Over East Nichols Canyon Road


Project: I-15 Over East Nichols Canyon Road



I-15 Over East Nichols Canyon Road


I-15 Over East Nichols Canyon Road


Cedar City, UT

The Project

How could you fill a void and ensure the material meets the compaction requirements without being able to get equipment under the approach slab? The answer is cellular concrete.

The plan selected by the contractor was to slide the bridge into place and use lightweight cellular concrete to fill any voids under the approach slabs. This pour required access for hoses to pump the material into the void space. The material would need to be flowable, self-compacting, and have some self-leveling properties.

The Solution

The fill depth was deep enough to require two subsequent lifts. Cell-Crete coordinated with Wadsworth Brothers to open some cores for us to insert our hoses into the void space from the side of the wingwalls and top of the approach slab. These access points and vents were placed in a manner that allowed for our crew to pump the cellular concrete into place without having to incur any lane closures.

Project Assets