Atoka Pipeline Project

Project: Atoka Pipeline Project



Atoka Pipeline Project


Atoka Pipeline Project


Oklahoma City, OK

The Project

The City of Oklahoma City is replacing an existing 66-in water pipeline that conveys raw water from Atoka Lake to the City’s water treatment plant. The new line will increase the amount of water that can be transmitted from the Atoka Reservoir. It is one of the largest pressure pipeline jobs in America, helping to serve more than 1.4 million residents in central Oklahoma.

The overall pipeline project includes a tunneling portion under the Canadian River near Byng, Oklahoma. The Canadian River Crossing consists of four micro-tunneling drives with the installation of 72-in. diameter reinforced concrete pipe and 84-in. diameter reinforced concrete pipes serving as casings. The total length of all four drives will be approximately 5,775 lf (each drive is approximately 1,500 lf). The four tunnel drives will be launched from two adjacent central shafts. Upon completion of the micro-tunneling drives, 72- and 60-in. welded steel carrier pipe will be installed for raw water transmission from the Atoka Reservoir to Oklahoma City.

The Solution

Cell-Crete’s Scope of work requires grouting the annular space between the micro-tunnel and the carrier pipe. Due to the slope of the micro-tunnel the grout will be gravity fed via tremie method; the elevation change of each pipe is roughly 120’ in vertical elevation. The 72” Line will be grouted in 3 lifts and the 60” Line will be grouted in 2 lifts total; roughly 2,000 CY of material will be placed.

Project Assets