Employee Spotlight: Oscar Pena

Oscar Pena

Safety Manager

“We really emphasize starting each day off with safety. Every morning, Foremen lead their crews in a group huddle to examine and review the pre-task plan for the day ahead.”

What is Construction Safety Week?

Safety week is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to promoting job site safety. This week, we will be participating in OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down to prevent falls in construction. Our focus is on fall protection and prevention because the number one cause of fatalities in our industry are falls.

What is a Stand-Down?

A safety stand-down is a topic driven morning tailgate where we have meaningful conversations with our crews about safety. During these huddles we discuss how to prevent falls, review what to look out for, and share personal stories. We will also be conducting safety equipment inspections to examine the items in their fall protection gear and replace any outdated items.

Pictured: Carl Keesling, Cell-Crete’s NorCal Safety Manager, showing crews how to use safety equipment gear.

How does Cell-Crete encourage job site safety?

We really emphasize starting each day off with safety. Foremen lead their crews in a morning group huddle to examine and review the pre-task plan for the day ahead. Crews touch on specific points including hazard detection, prevention, and protection. At the end of each week, if there are no reported incidents, crews are rewarded with one safety buck.

What is a safety buck?

‘Safety bucks’ is a reward system to encourage safety. Employees can redeem items from our catalog using Safety bucks. Since launching the program, we have seen a noticeable difference in our crew’s commitment and eagerness to promote a safe workplace. Crews work hard to make sure week after week there are no incidents.