Lennar at Skylark


Project: Lennar at Skylark



Lennar at Skylark


Lennar at Skylark


San Marcus, CA

The Project

A new housing development, Lennar at Skylark, located in the City of San Marcos in North San Diego County have added single-family homes and future planned amenities to its residents. The San Diego County Water Authority was concerned that the new housing development and its associated heavy traffic would damage underground water pipelines in the area that supply potable water to San Diego County. The solution was to relieve the heavy overburden of the new development and provide sufficient ground support above the pipelines.

The Solution

Cell-Crete was tasked with replacing sections of the ground soils with lightweight cellular concrete (LCC). Roughly 2,000 CY of LCC was placed with density specifications of 27 PCF.

In comparison to soils, LCC is lighter in density and stronger in UCS standards.

In result, LCC helped alleviate the gravitational load by 3 times the existing load. It also provided extra strength support above the pipelines for safe heavy truck travel throughout the area.

Project Assets