Lifton Pump Station

Project: Lifton Pump Station



Lifton Pump Station


Lifton Pump Station


Bear Lake, ID

The Project

This project is located on the north shore of Bear Lake in Idaho. The pour was adjacent to an existing pump house and sheet piles next to the lake.

Lightweight Cellular Concrete (LCC) was used to reduce the lateral loads to the sheet piles and the dead load to the existing fill due to soil conditions at the lake’s edge. The LCC was poured over the area that previously had wood cribbing. The flowability and self-leveling characteristics helped to fill some of the complicated areas and provided a good elevation to reference to the fill benchmarks.

All cold weather pours require coordination with the general contractor to have a successful pour. There was significant snowfall nearly every day of the pour. Our crew coordinated with the general contractor to cover the pour area and monitor a heating system while the material cured. Together they were able to complete the pour despite the cold temperatures and weather challenges.

Project Assets